This is a 100 Days challenge to learn a new language (Python). 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp
I will post some notes to motivate myself to finish this challenge.
Install PyCharm (Option 1)
* Spell check
* More Space (View two files side by side)
* Built-In Linter
* Local History
* View Structure
* Refactor Rename
Install VS Code and its extension (Option 2)
* Formatting: Formatting makes code easier to read by human beings by applying specific rules and conventions for line spacing, indents, spacing around operators, and so on
$ pip install autopep8
* Linting: Linting highlights syntactical and stylistic problems in your Python source code
$ pip install pylint
Challenge - Coffee Machine
Build a Coffee Machine Program which support some functionalities below:
* Prompt user by asking “What would you like? (espresso/latte/cappuccino):
* Turn off the Coffee Machine by entering “off” to the prompt
* Print report.
* Check resources sufficient?
* Process coins
* Check transaction successful?
* Make Coffee.
MENU = {
"espresso": {
"ingredients": {
"water": 50,
"coffee": 18,
"cost": 1.5,
"latte": {
"ingredients": {
"water": 200,
"milk": 150,
"coffee": 24,
"cost": 2.5,
"cappuccino": {
"ingredients": {
"water": 250,
"milk": 100,
"coffee": 24,
"cost": 3.0,
from resource import MENU
# Constants
QUARTER = 0.25
DIME = 0.1
NICKEL = 0.05
PENNY = 0.01
def print_report(resource, profit):
"""Print current resource and profit"""
# Resource
for key in resource:
if key == "Coffee":
print(f"{key}: {resource[key]}g")
print(f"{key}: {resource[key]}ml")
# Profit
print(f"Money: ${profit}")
def is_sufficient_resource(coffee_item_ingredients, resource):
"""Return True/False to determine whether the resouce is
enough to make a specific coffee"""
if "water" in coffee_item_ingredients:
if coffee_item_ingredients["water"] > resource["Water"]:
print(f"Sorry there is not enough water")
return False
if "milk" in coffee_item_ingredients:
if coffee_item_ingredients["milk"] > resource["Milk"]:
print(f"Sorry there is not enough milk")
return False
if "coffee" in coffee_item_ingredients:
if coffee_item_ingredients["coffee"] > resource["Coffee"]:
print(f"Sorry there is not enough coffee")
return False
return True
def collect_coins():
"""Ask user to input and return the total value of coins"""
print("Please insert coins.")
q = int(input("how many quarters?:"))
d = int(input("how many dimes?:"))
n = int(input("how many nickles?:"))
p = int(input("how many pennies?:"))
return q * QUARTER + d * DIME + n * NICKEL + p * PENNY
def is_enough_money(money, item):
"""Return True/False to determine whether it is enough money to
make a specific coffee"""
change = money - item["cost"]
if change >= 0:
print(f"Here is ${change} in change.")
return True
print("Sorry that's not enough money. Money refunded.")
return False
def make_coffee(user_select, coffee_item_ingredients, resource):
if "water" in coffee_item_ingredients:
resource["Water"] = resource["Water"] -
if "milk" in coffee_item_ingredients:
resource["Milk"] = resource["Milk"] -
if "coffee" in coffee_item_ingredients:
resource["Coffee"] = resource["Coffee"] -
print(f"Here is your {user_select} ☕️. Enjoy!")
return resource
def coffee_machine():
profit = 0
resource = {
"Water": 300,
"Milk": 200,
"Coffee": 100,
is_machine_on = True
while is_machine_on:
user_select = input("What would you like?
if user_select == "report":
print_report(resource, profit)
elif user_select == "off":
is_machine_on = False
coffee_item = MENU[user_select]
# Enough resouce?
if is_sufficient_resource(coffee_item["ingredients"],
money = collect_coins()
# Enough money?
if is_enough_money(money, coffee_item):
# Update profit
profit += coffee_item["cost"]
# Make coffee and Update resource
resource = make_coffee(
user_select, coffee_item["ingredients"],
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